Green Embassy
The agreement commits the Embassy to reduce electricity consumption by 1.5% per year over the next three years, totalling 4.5% from 2008 to 2011, a reduction of energy consumption by 3539 kWh compared to 2008.
The Embassy's efforts will include more energy-friendly staff behaviour, energy-friendly purchases, and energy-friendly maintenance. This entails a critical inspection of the Embassy's machinery and use of low-energy light bulbs, amongst other things.
The Embassy's initiatives are part of Denmark's strong international effort regarding the environment, energy, and climate. The purpose of the initiatives is partly to save energy and benefit energy resources, climate, and environment, partly to be a good example in the local Turkish context.
This can at the same time support the Embassy's efforts within the areas of environment, energy, and climate - including preparations for the UN's Climate Conference COP15 in Denmark in 2009, aimed at reaching a new global climate agreement following the Kyoto Protocol. The initiatives could also contribute to the advancement of export and investment opportunities between Denmark and Turkey within the areas of environment and energy.
The Embassy shares this obligation, which began January 1 2009, with 15 other Danish embassies the world over.